Haasil will be a romantic thriller filled with intriguing storyline, beautiful locations viz-a-viz huge production budget and value. Actor Zayed Khan, Bollywood Star, and Vatsal Sheth, Bollywood and Small Screen heartthrob, are playing “Raichand” brothers who will fall for the same girl which is being played by actress Nikita Dutta. Zayed & Vatsal are shown as affluent businessmen where Zayed is the elder and Vatsal is younger brother. Zayed looks after the business and associated complexities while Vatsal has shown keen interest for Music/Piano and enjoying his carefree life. Nikita on the other side is a responsible lawyer who is a social activist as well. She usually tries to fight for injustice to anybody be it her friend(s), family or society. This show is also prominent in its entirety because it will mark Zayed Khan’s debut on television. Who will win the heart of Nikita? What is going on between the brothers and who will be the heir to the Raichand throne?